When it comes to your health, don't be shy. Have you ever been attracted to someone and wanted to hookup but wanted to know if they had an STI? The only way to find out is to be upfront and ask them! You can go about this in a few ways. You can sit down like two adults and come right out and talk about it. You can also provide your own medical documentation and say that you're clean, what about them? This can be a very sticky subject but research has shown that many adults are asking these questions before they hookup/
Sometimes people that you want to hook up with have a reputation and if they have been with several partners it is a good idea to find out if they have an STI. Infections can be treated and cleared up but they can also return. Herpes, Gonorrhea are types of STI's and STD's. The only difference between STI's and STD's is that sexually transmitted infections (STI's) can create an infection and may or may not result in contracting the disease. It's always smart to be safe and have the discussion with the other person before you engage in a sex Hook up.
There is nothing wrong with being honest. Remember though, it goes both ways. They may ask you first. Stay on top of your health if you are sexually active and see your doctor on a regular basis. It won't hurt to ask your doctor to provide you with proof so you can share it with the person you are hooking up with.
An STI is an infection that can occur when you have gonorrhea, genital herpes, HPV and chlamydia to name a few. An infection can be transferred to your sex hookup which may or may not result in them getting the same disease. These things need to be discussed beforehand to avoid unnecessary risk-taking. Everyone has the right to know whether or not they are looking at taking a potential risk for the sake of having sex. You have to ask yourself if you trust what this person is telling you or if you require medical proof. Protection does help a great deal but it doesn't necessarily mean you won't be open to getting an infection.
Maybe it is worth the extra work to protect yourself a number of ways. Use male and female condoms along with protective lubricants. Just like you want to know about your potential hook up and their medical health, it is a good idea to have proof to support your own. With regular check-ups, your doctor will write you out a note indicating if there are any STI's or STD's for your potential hookup to be concerned about. If you hand over yours first, it is not out of line to ask them for theirs. Being horny and taking risks is no good idea. While you may feel wonderful for a few minutes or erotic fun, a lifetime of dealing with STI's could be your potential outcome. It really isn't worth risking a lifetime of health issues for a few minutes of fun.
So there really is no difference other than infection can be treated and there is a slight chance that it may not turn into the disease. Without knowing ahead of time and using protection, there is a good chance it will.
This is something that everyone will answer "no" to but there are a lot of people out there who will think having unprotected sex is a good idea. Well, it's not! Think about it. People need to stop being so blind and realize that certain things can happen to them. No human being is invincible. There is a lot of risk-taking when you decide to play Russian Roulette with your health. Why would anyone do that? You may be surprised to know that the numbers are quite high. It's a really good idea to sit down and have that conversation before engaging in a sex hookup.
Why would anyone think it's worth the risk. It isn't! Even married couples should share their medical results with their spouses just to reassure them and yourself that you are both clean and are only having sex with each other. If you have an open marriage or you are into swinging and alternative sexual encounters, you may want to make sure that you have a conversation with the other parties and get their medical history. It's a matter of self-preservation. No one wants to be in a position where they have to explain to a spouse why they are not having sex with them. Or, worst-case scenario, when your spouse goes to the doctor and finds out they have an STI. Knowing full well that it wasn't themselves having an affair, you will soon find yourself on the hot seat!
There are many areas where risk-taking may be a good thing but when it comes to sex, there is nothing good about taking a risk. Without protection not only could you be opening up your partner to STI's (or vice versa) but you could also be looking at an unplanned pregnancy. So ask yourself over and over again before making a bad decision. Is your health worth the risk? No, it most definitely is not!
It is in your best interest to always make sure you use protection when engaging in a sex hookup. There are a lot of things on the market today and a lot of ways to make sure your sexual experience is enjoyable and that you are not worrying about being protected. Of course, the number one thing most people turn to is a condom. Nowadays there are many types of condoms available for purchase. You can get ones that are so thin, you will feel like you or your sex partner aren't wearing anything. There are also condoms on the market that are ribbed which plays double duty. One, it can make for a very erotic sensation and two, you are protected.
There is also another type of condom on the market and that is the female condom. This method used together with a male condom is a great idea to not only get double protection but also peace of mind. No one wants to be responsible for sharing an STI and if you are the receiver, avoiding the question will make you really angry with yourself if you catch one. Make sure that you and your sex hookup have that conversation beforehand.
To sum this section of advice up, it's quite simple. When you are not sure about something, it is a smart idea to take preventative measures. Your body and your health are top priorities when it comes to this. Don't you think that using protection is a safe and smart thing to do? We highly recommend it. Also, get regular check-ups and keep your own medical documentation handy so you can share it with a sex partner. That way they will know that you are not hiding anything and it makes it easier to ask them for one.
This is a topic that we have touched on a few times in our advice column. Medical proof is the most honest way to show your sex hookup partner that you are being truthful when it comes to your sexual health. No one wants to catch an STI or be the one to share it. it is not only embarrassing but can also be a life sentence. Don't be "that person" and hope that having unprotected sex with someone you don't know is okay. Plain and simple, it is not okay!
It is your responsibility to ask your sex partner whether he/she is a carrier of an STI and to let them know whether you are or are not. You may be surprised and they may ask you first. Be prepared and have your proof handy. it is common for a doctor to ask their patients if they are sexually active. If you have a doctor that asks and you are being 100% honest, throw it in there that you would like to also have medical documentation on you at all times. Your doctor will be impressed that you ask. You can also have that discussion that you make sure your sex partners provide you with medical proof as well. There is nothing wrong with that. There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about and you should always put that on the table before getting into bed with someone. You do not necessarily know the person that you are going to have sex with and even if you do, how do you know if they are clear of STI's or not. You cannot take it back once you have contracted an STI so be very careful. See your doctor on a regular basis and make sure you are regularly checked if you are sexually active.
When it comes to STI's you may be very surprised to hear the age group where cases of STI's is increasing. While men between 20 - 24 are at high risk, seniors are contracting these infections and diseases as well. A study done in 2017 shows a 31% increase in older adults who are getting STI's and STD's. They are becoming more sexually active and much of this is happening right in our very own seniors' homes. It doesn't matter what age you are at, there are always risks.
If age doesn't matter when it comes to STI's what does that mean for educators? This should definitely be a topic in every health class in senior public schools and high schools. There should also be pamphlets available at each and every doctor's office and people should be encouraged to grab one. This should also be something that needs to be discussed with seniors in the homes they live in. Maybe the staff needs to figure out how to put the subject on the table or, hire someone who specializes in talking about STI's and sex to older adults. There is no reason why education around sex and STI's can't be available to all ages who are sexually active.
This may sound cliche but if you and your hookup sex partner have indicated that you have medical documentation clearing you of STI's, tell them "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". We feel the need to keep banging this into your head that you need to have regular sex checkups. Have regular pap tests if you are female and regular check-ups if you are male too. There are blood tests you can get and have your doctor check for genital warts.
No one wants to be responsible for passing along a sexually transmitted infection that can develop into a disease. That is a life sentence and you can't erase it. You have to ask yourself, are a few minutes or erotic satisfaction worth it? The best thing you can do for yourself and your sex hookup partner is to tell them, I will show you my medical documentation and you show me yours. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It is always best to be safe because like we keep saying, and STI is for life. Be smart and get checked. Use protection!
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