This is the day and age of apps like Instagram. Snapchat, Tinder, Bumble, etc. It doesn't matter if you are male and female, there are ways to slide into the DMS without looking like a complete idiot. If you are a frequent user on apps like Twitter and Instagram, you know that there are some weirdos out there that do not know when to stop commenting. Don't be that guy, or girl. Times are changing and people are looking at what's out there through apps and online sites like Facebook etc. It is simple to avoid looking like a creeper by thinking before commenting. Stay away from cliches and whatever you do, do not make your initial comment something like, "send me a picture of yourself from head to toe". That would make you look like a creeper.
If you don't want to be obvious about your intentions, make sure that your settings are not private or people that want to check you out cannot gain access. You can always delete someone who becomes annoying and sends messages to you at the most inopportune times. The worst is when they reply in an app about something you posted on another app. For example, many people are annoyed by those comment on Instagram about a picture or comment that you made on your Facebook page. That is really creepy and no one likes it. It's really hard to respond to comments like that.
People want to know who their audience is. If you have privacy settings but are commenting on someone's page, that person will want to know a little about who they are dealing with. Imagine someone who slides into your DMS and leaves a comment, you go and want to take a look at who this person is and eventually find out that they are not who they say they are. That's not cool!
There are so many things to avoid when sliding into someone's DM. If you want a casual or sex hookup with someone you are attracted to online, be careful how you begin. Do not be that person that comments with tons of emoji. All that says is that you like pictures. There are also people who make comments asking what the other person is wearing or who start a conversation where the recipient has absolutely no idea of what they are talking about. For example, you have a string of comments about a post on your facebook page and a single comment is made by someone who was not involved in the chat in the first place. The comment makes absolutely no sense so you find yourself deleting that comment.
If you like to slide into a DM, make sure that you don't involve yourself into a conversation that you know nothing about. Instead, message the person and say hello! Ask them how the day was and if feel like chatting. Or, if you do find yourself sliding into a DM, make sure you know the topic well before you comment. This is a very complex topic and you could be as innocent as pie, however, if you are not careful it will look like you are creeping.
Take things slowly. If the person posts a picture of themselves, like it. Like a few of their pictures and posts as they are posted. Make comments but do not go overboard. Ease into a potential hookup by giving it time. It is suggested that a month is a fair amount of time. You should know by then whether or not the feeling is mutual.
There is a simple way to insert yourself or DM someone. Send them a message that holds content like they look familiar to you and tell them where you worked or went to school. That will most likely spark their interest and they will respond with a yes or a definite no and that you have the wrong person. You can always get creative and start a conversation around things they posted and you know that they may like. Be careful though, you don't want them to think you are a stocker or creeper.
The trick here is to be genuine. Do not try and be someone that you are not. Chances are you will fumble over your words and the connection is lost. Be honest about topics you discuss back and forth and let the person know who they are talking to. Do not use cliche pick up lines and you are being very open about the simple things in life. Be kind and know your audience. If you are following this person, you know a little about what they like or do not like. Don't make your initial message all about you. Take it slow and let it evolve naturally.
When you slide into a person's DMs, do it with some thought. Be kind and do not fly by the seat of your pants. When you are attracted to someone you don't want to be overly aggressive. That is the type of behavior that comes from a creeper. Be kind and friendly but do not overdue it. If the message isn't reciprocated, they are obviously not interested. Take a more friendly approach to the discussion and you will get positive feedback. Some people are social media crazy and some people are not. Take it one step at a time and do not say things that are too much or overwhelming.
When a person slides into someone's DMs and says things like "I've been following you forever and I think you are absolutely gorgeous. You do not know me but I found your profile on Tinder". That kind of comment sounds like something creepers say. The statement is bold and screams creeper! There is another way that a creeper communicates and that is by offering money. Saying they will buy gifts for you and give you a lifestyle that you deserve. What does that mean anyway? Those are people you should probably stay away from and not respond to.
The creeper will try to wow someone by saying things that are exactly what they think you want to hear. For the most part, people are pretty smart. The best thing you can do if you suspect that someone who slides into your DMs is a creeper, block them.
There are right ways to slide into someones DMs and there are definitely wrong ways. Make sure that if you are the person who slides in, you do it tastefully. People are all over sites like Tinder, Bumble, Facebook, Instagram, etc. There is no denying that people have and always will find a way to comment on a person's DMs. The hookup scene is alive and well. Just be cautious and patient. Do not be creepy!
If the person you are interested in is on other apps, check out the profiles and see what you have in common. When you figure it out, you can slide into their DMs without looking like a creeper. The goal here is to be real and genuine! You don't want to embarrass yourself. If you want to hookup with someone that you have things in common with, make sure the feeling is mutual. If they are into you, keep the conversation positive and focus on everything you notice that you have in common. You can bring it up from your perspective and use something that you have experienced.
A few things that come to mind are music, sports, physical activity along with many other interests. If you both have the same favorite professional sports team, bring up the last game played and make a positive comment about it. That's a great way to start a conversation. If you are a fitness enthusiast and so is the person you are messaging, you can talk about the workout you had. Don't get too cocky about it, Keep the conversation lite and interesting. Make sure you listen to what they have to say as well. Respond to what they are saying before adding something else into the conversation.
Commonalities come from things that people post on their profiles. They want to let their followers know what their interests are. Be patient, sit back and wait for the right opportunity to slide into their DMs. You can tell by someone's response to your messages whether they are interested or not. You don't want to waste your time on someone who is not interested. Give some of this advice a try and see if it works for you!
When you take the leap and slide into someone DMs, you will figure out whether that person is into you or not. You can also figure out if they are real or not. If you are getting a decent response and a conversation starts happening, you know that there is some interest there. Keep an element of mystery on your end. You can always answer questions that still let him/her know that you are interested without losing them.
If you want a sex hookup with this person, you can tell by their profile if they are using the same app for that reason. When you are messaging, flirt a little and if they flirt back, you will know that there is some interest in perhaps hooking up at some point. Don't try a drag out the conversation to the point where they lose interest. If they start doing that to you, you may want to rethink maintaining a connection with this person. They may be a creeper.
Sliding into someone's DMs isn't always an easy thing to do. You really have to do your homework and it's hard to get to know someone through an app or a website. Look at Facebook! It can show you things about a person that you may not see on Instagram or Twitter. It is a larger forum where people post all kinds of things. You can comment on their pictures and the things that they post. Keep it positive, especially if you have a feeling that this is someone you would like to have a connection with and maybe hook up with them at some point.
If you are really set on sliding into someone's DMS, look for things that you share in common. We are assuming that you are attracted to a person or they to you based on profiles. When you want to comment, make sure that it is a tasteful comment and avoid aggression or cliche pick up lines. It is actually much harder to put things into words on an app than it is to talk face to face. You can always tell what someone is like in person. First impressions!
Keep it real! It is much harder to get to know someone online than it is in person so keep things lite when you slide into someones DMS. Be genuine and when you are messaging someone, make it about something that you both have in common. Be polite and genuine. Make sure the person you message knows that you are who you say you are. That also goes both ways. You want to make sure the person you message is real and is who they say they are.
Social media and communicating through apps is definitely becoming more and more popular. It is the new way to find potential casual and sex hookups. People can always hide behind a message and pretend to be someone they are not. Make sure you are comfortable with them and always be yourself!
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